Central/Decentral building automation

Central/Decentral building automation

Woertz building installation with KNX for building automation


The Woertz KNX building installation offers complete solutions with KNX actuators, sensors and cabling for centralized and also decentralized KNX systems from a single source.

The decentralized Woertz system is ideal for large rooms and corridors. The decentralized distributed intelligence with Woertz flat cable systems, allows installation without a central control cabinet. All Woertz actuators and sensors are directly connected with a single flat cable, ensuring energy-saving operation. This saves 80 he amount of cable compared to traditional installations. This not only conserves resources to a significant degree, but also ensures a fast installation time and a very low risk of error.

For centralized control, Woertz offers a pre-programmed, compact room box with plug-in wiring and built-in fuse that can be remotely reconnected. The room boxes can be optimally distributed and controlled via the decentralized flat cable system. They are the ideal solution for modular buildings, hotel rooms, offices, schools, universities and hospitals.

All Woertz cables and boxes are entirely made in Switzerland and internationally certified. 100% Swiss Made. 100% Swiss Quality.

Gebäudeautomation mit Woertz KNX Flachkabelsyystem

Die Woertz KNX Gebäudeinstallation mit Flachkabel bietet komplette Lösungen mit KNX-Aktoren, Sensoren und Verkabelung für zentrale und auch dezentrale KNX-Systeme aus einer Hand.

Product systems

Compact networking for intelligent building automation. Perfect for KNX, Dali, SMI, LON and more. Space-saving design.
This flexible system is the basis for decentralized building automation and combines power current and bus data line in a single cable application.

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